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Battle of the Golds












Why is robotics important for the future?

The purpose of the robotics club is for students to learn how to code and write commands for robots through play. By programming and controlling robots, students will step into the world of science, acquiring knowledge and skills valuable and applicable beyond the classroom.

Usually, students show the most interest in learning and discovering how to tell robots what to do and seeing how their commands affect the robot’s motions. Such robots will try to replicate walking, speech, cognition, or any other human activity according to the level of coding programmed.

Robots require a certain level of computer programming, and are known to be widely applicable, making them an ideal technology for the future. Given that the field of robotics continues to develop, students inadvertently will have to learn to master these skills because they will likely be in every field of study in the coming years.

Why is robotics important for the future?

Robotics includes the design, construction, operation, and application of robots. The purpose of robotics is to design machines that will help people by repeating and imitating human activities without external control. Hence, the growing interest in artificial intelligence is developing more and more and becoming a future profession.

In our robotics club, students will have the opportunity to design, build and program robots to perform certain functions using robotics applications designed for coding. This is a perfect opportunity for your child to show their interest in robotics. The Robotic club will contribute to developing the technical skills and knowledge needed for the future.

Given the growing interest in this field, the robotics club is the perfect choice for students who want to work in it and creative minds alike because it helps them develop innovative, progressive, and logical thinking. Robotics has great potential to positively transform everyone’s life in the future, so students must acquire the technical knowledge and skills needed for emerging professions.

Therefore, the robotics club is a place for students who want to secure their future careers in technology on time.

Join our robotics club

This is the best way to familiarize yourself with the world of modern technologies and to build the foundations for your future career in the IT industry. Given that this industry is developing at a tremendous rate, the need for experts will continue to grow, and now you have a chance to prepare yourself for the most promising jobs of the future.

The robotics club invites you to join us!